© 2011 admin focim


City of Lissone – the Premio Lissone Design competition

Team: Akos Matetelki, Barnabas Kozak
Consultant: Tamas Getto DLA

2ply is an instant pillow used in the city, an object which has not yet appeared in the urban areas. The pillow does not create individual urban surface, however, an excellent complement to the existing seats, as we can sit on the pillow even in cold weather and it can temporarily replace the absence of seats if necessary.

The paper pillow acquires strong identity with its unique aspect and intellectual background. This is not a monofunctional tool, but connection between people and urban environment based on continuous movement, metamorphosis, and communication.

The 2ply is connected to the specific location on more levels, the primary link is based on the method of use: it is an instant, outdoor pillow which is usually used only once, whose main function is only generated in that space-time constellation which is created by that particular time and space. In addition, the object has a more exact means of communication, the advertising surface offered by the paper on which graphics, logos and programs connected to the specific locations can be printed.

Of course, this surface can be used freely for marketing purposes. Beyond all these, the afterlife of 2ply is determined by a strong conceptual program as well. After using the pillow it can be converted to a paper bag with a simple “do-it-yourself” way. Thus, the afterlife of the object is searching for and can find a connection to the human-space-time context, as the currently fashionable design bag transforms to a symbolic character while getting into public awareness with its unique character and youthful approach.

Fortunately we won a special mention award.

© Ákos Mátételki